Before any empire can be built the seed has to be sown in the mind and this seed is nothing but the thoughts we create. Any successful venture, be it a company or an enterprise works on certain fundamental laws which govern the internal machinery. The pivotal factor in determining success in any team or group is essentially human interaction and at the base of this is human communication. How we fellow denizens come into play amongst each other. This may be based on a number of factors based on the framework of the psyche of each other. But ultimately it comes to morality, as perspectives differ there may be violations or breach of trust but the ultimate aim would be to create group synergy. This paradigm would call for another approach which is not so commonly seen. It is the spiritual angle, as in a work place we tend to identify with various parameters which we ourselves set. We need to look beyond these artificial veils of bias which are very subtle and ingrained deeply. The truth is all of us are intrinsically good but because of certain predispositions tend to alienate ourselves from the crux of human exchanges. Any exchange or a relationship can be pleasant and this would give synergy and contribute to growth and eventually end up in successful empires. But for this we have to understand how this subtle machinery of human interaction works. We find that people working together may be from different backgrounds or in fact have different belief systems which they adhere to. So here we need to exercise utmost caution and constantly be aware of our exchanges with one other as the other person may infer a common sign as a sign of dissent based on perception. So we have to trace the origin of interaction which is as follows: starting with the thoughts it tends to manifest as feelings which are conveyed through signs and eventually through the vocal means. It comes forth in action and behavior which is observed. So here if we realize a subtle truth, our entire approach changes and distances melt improving the foundation of human interaction which is communication. As the famous quote goes, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings having a human experience”. So in view of this when we realize we all are essentially spiritual beings coming into interaction in this field of play, here specifically the work place then the feeling of universal brotherhood dawns and our exchanges become so smooth and loving that the relationship is nurtured and the work culture is empowered and success is just a byproduct of this which can be cherished.
By Rakesh S
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Empires Are First Built in the Mind
Monday, July 13, 2009
M&M – Mothers and Mobiles
Times have changed. From the time the husband earned, and the wife stayed at home to the time now when the husband earns and the wife earns too. But the wife still runs the house and manages children. So, how does she manage to run the house while still at work?
The simple answer to this intriguing question is also simple – through the mobile phone. For working women this gizmo empowers them to run their house and keep a check on their children while still at work. For full-time working mothers the issue of not being able to give enough time to their children oftentimes plagues their minds. Well the cell phone solves this problem partly if not totally.
As per my observation the maximum calls are made close to or after lunch time as this is generally the time when children return from school (see figure given above). (Data has been taken from ANU, AMTA; Impact of mobile phone on work life balance; March 2008.) Questions about their day at school, some test/exam or some competition follow. Children are then instructed to wash up and change and have proper lunch. Often the children’s nannies are also given a series of instructions over the phone.
An appealing topic of discussion between mothers and children on the phone is ‘homework’. The mom’s tone will become strict and she’ll enquire about whether the child has completed his homework or not. If he has done it he will receive a one-minute praise and the mother will then ask the poor child to learn some spellings or do some Math. Only then the child will receive the ticket to go out and have fun or watch some TV. It is torture for the child. I can say this because I have experienced it so many times in my childhood, when my mum called up from her office to check on me. She especially called up during exams and if some exam didn’t go well she first reprimanded for being careless and not preparing well and then consoled and motivated to do better for the next paper.
The calls again peak in the evenings (see figure given above). This is generally the time when children go out to play. I have many times heard negotiations between mothers and daughters/sons – children pleading to go out and play and mothers instructing them to first complete their homework. Many a times children beg to play with their best friend an hour or so longer and it is up to their mommies to allow them or not. It is really fascinating to witness such discussions. It reminds me of my carefree childhood days.
To conclude – Corporates should provide mobile phone allowance to working mothers as a welfare measure and aid them to balance their work with life at home … LOL
By Sakshi Prakash