Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Poverty is a problem that the world is grappling with today. But when we refer to the word, we often tend to interpret the word in purely materialistic sense. The picture that springs up in front of our eyes is often that of homeless, malnourished destitutes. It is a serious and thought-provoking issue that despite achieving so much, man still has not found solutions to provide the basic necessities of subsistence to all human beings. But for me there is another kind of poverty that is spreading like an epidemic and that possibly could threaten the very existence of mankind.

This is the poverty of emotion, the poverty of patience and sensitivity towards other human beings and other creatures. Today we are so engrossed in this struggle for survival and this mad race that we don’t even pause to think whether our actions are affecting people around us adversely. We have become so insensitive that we don’t even feel the pain and the loneliness of those who are near us, leave alone the starving, malnourished children in some foreign land.

I have often wondered how journalists could go about filming a man who sets himself on fire in broad daylight without making even the smallest attempt to stop him. An entire village watching a man being lynched to death without one person coming forward to help or support. All this points to the poverty of our core feelings.

It is sad indeed that as we become rich materially, our souls become poorer.

By Pravda


Anonymous said...

Very pertinently pointed out that this is a "core feelings" problem, which leads me to suggest that the cure isnt going to be all that simple.
Parents have to take a lead in inculcating a sense of emotions which are caring and affectionate towards fellow human beings.
All the 'madness' thus pointed will take its time however the world will turn into a better place to live in..
Upbringing will make a sound difference --
By the way, very well written blog must say.

Geeta Arya said...

Very true Pravda. I guess it takes a really big shock to stir people out of this apathy. There is a sense of hopelessness and we seem to move about doing our daily work like zombies. The zest for life, the courage to act, the zeal to rise above oneself and just do something, that is what I feel is missing. Guidance, looking within, finding answers -- these are things that must assume importance in this age and time.