Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Look granny, no teeth/ hair! Blogging - an ageless phenomenon

So the world's oldest blogger - a 108 year old from Australia, died yesterday. She was apparently fairly prolific on the net - used to have her blog at http://www.allaboutolive.com.au/, and more recently (and temporarily) at http://worldsoldestblogger.blogspot.com/
I think it was amazing that at that age she enjoyed the fairly 'modern' phenomenon of UGM, but I also think that this is the perfect antidote to age/ loneliness/ boredom - after all, what better way to spend your more mature years than pontificate to the whole wide world! Or make the world your web! :)
Incidentally, recent research we were carrying out showed that women as bloggers are growing rapidly -

–35% of women aged 18 to 75 participate in the blogosphere weekly.
–Of women online 53% read Blogs, 37% post comments to Blogs and 28% write or update Blogs.
–Of women bloggers 58% post entries at least weekly, and of those who actively read Blogs, 80% do so at least once per week.
- Per a 2006 Pew Internet Survey and a 2008 BlogHer Survey; in July 2006, 6 million women in the U.S. blogged, and in May 2008, that number has risen to 15 million!

Why women blog?
–65% do it for fun
–60% to express themselves
–46% to get information
–41% to stay up to date on family and friends
–40% to connect with others
–34% as a diary
–28% participate in the blogosphere in order to connect with others.

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