Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Human - An Advanced "Robot"

The revolutionary invention of our era: The Computer procures us more information than any other source known to mankind. The development of artificial intelligence permits us to improve the behavior of a computing system. The term ‘robot’ includes any kind of automates that don't need any human intervention to perform their job and are able to learn. Perception and recognition, for example, are now some of the inherent characteristics of robots.

I notice a similarity between the evolution of robotic intelligence and that of biological intelligence.

Robots are being increasingly used in industry as they are able to perform tasks that even humans are not able to perform. One can even say that they act more intelligently than humans when the domain is specific. New robots can also be programmed to perform creative acts like dancing or playing a musical instrument. They can also be programmed to behave socially like in the case of robotic pets. And contrary to the common belief, robots are not replacing humans; but are creating a booming job market for engineers, software developers and other technical professionals.

Today, approximately 1 000 000 robots are being used around the world. Vacuum-cleaning robots, medical robots, surveillance robots, underwater robots and demolition robots are available today.

Japan is the leading producer and consumer of robots. Statistics state that for every 100,000 human workers, there are 500 robots in Japan. Germany and many Europeans countries follow Japan. Interestingly, USA finds itself at the bottom of the list of developed countries in this regard.

The number of robots increased by nearly 30% in the year 2004 showing an exponential increase compared to the previous years. If it continues to grow at this rate, it will soon surpass human population. Already, robots are able to create other robots. Soon, artificial intelligence in combination with the Internet will be able to perform abstract thinking as humans do and later may even outperform humans.

Robots could substitute for a workforce of 3.52 million people in Japan by 2025 to help cover a labor shortage in the graying society, the Machine Industry Memorial Foundation said. The foundation also said about 74 minutes of free time per household are expected to be created each day if robots that do household chores such as cleaning are introduced, helping more women to enter the labor market. Robots would thus replace humans in performing all the repetitive jobs. Hopefully, by then human brain would have evolved further and we would come up with new things that only a human mind can do.

Or who knows: one day human beings may evolve into advanced “robots”.

-Rakesh Kishore


Shilpa Nangali said...

Hi Rakesh, in my view, the human mind is a special kind of complex system that does not lend itself to quantitative methods!U can't use numbers in talking about human intelligence, experience, emotions, and skills. I suggest u to read Hamid Ekbia's new book, "Artificial Dreams: The Quest for Non-Biological Intelligence", this is really worth reading. In this book, Ekbia discuss these specific features of the human mind, the limitations of some of the views and theories in artificial intelligence, and what we have learned from more than 50 years of research in this area. There is a lot of hype in artificial intelligence in the media, but there is also interesting research done in this area. Ekbia tries to tease these apart and separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak, in some of the knowledge claims made by the artificial intelligence community about the human mind.

Anonymous said...

If humans can be replaced by robots, den will it not create the problem of unemployment? Poverty is already a big problem in third world countries...and more over if all the work starting from house cleaning to industries..is done by robots..people will become obese..and this hampers health to a greater extent..! Obesity can cause hell lots of problems...Is this needed? Will wait for your answer...

Anonymous said...

Hi Rakesh, I just have a question, and I expect to see an your reply for that! If humans will eventually create silicon machines with minds that will slowly spread all over the world, and the entire universe will eventually become a conscious machine?

Anonymous said...

Hey Rakesh,I feel that brain is not an ordinary machine. Its capabilities are unlimited. We cannot design a machine which has all the capabilities of brain. The capability of the brain comes out according to the situation. All we can do is design a machine that handles a certain situations. Moreover the machines can do only the work assigned to them or they are designed to do .They cannot do their own work.Machines can do things based on logic. Brain can do things based on logic and intuition. Can machines have intuition? Can they think on their own & react to emotions? .I don't think so!!!!!!!!!! Brain can adjust to anything on its own .It can adjust to a new language. But machine cannot do that on its own. It is kind of dependent on the logic and person designed it.
The machine falls behind the living organisms by many things. Understanding the surroundings , not just understanding them but by having some special relation between things that have come across. The physical structures may be same ,but the relationship associated may change according the events associated with them. Machine can only recognize the and perform the task assigned to them .
Isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Humans have come long way inventing outstanding things and in future its possible to create machine with consciousness with the help of quantum mechanics and AI, but it will have certain limitations. We may try something that partly( very small part) looks humane, like the automated car mentioned in the article or self-learning machines. But we don't know how to implement abstract conceptualizations like love, respect, hatred, wit, gratefulness, responsibility etc.etc....and importantly, be able to differentiate among those concepts. But, how on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Tell me Rakesh????

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comments and questions that you have raised.

@ Shilpa

Thank you!!

@ Shweta
Think positive!!
With robots doing all your daily chores… You will find time to EXERCISE and keep your body fit and healthy.
I would like to repeat that human will definitely evolve further and we will come up with new things that only a human mind can do…
And note – “Nothing can replace Human Intelligence”
Humans are SELFISH … History is example for that.
Human race has never allowed other species to dominate them……

@ Jwaala
Yes, one day the universe might become a conscious machine..
Hopefully a Hero or Heroine might turn up to save the world from silicon machines.
Again that Hero or Heroine will be Human.

Anonymous said...

Among the infinite capabilities, that a human brain is capable of; are we using all of it at all times? So it is safe to say that a robot can mimic a human to certain extent, without us defining limitations with regard to its abilities. Ohh...did I forget, AI enables robots to think on their feet just like humans do and adjust to situations just like a human brain would do. A distant example would be Honda's Asimo which is often shown on the tele. A machine might lag with respect to humans in certain areas, but do not forget, humans do lag behind with respect to robots; when it comes to certain features. With respect to feelings "Bicentennial Man" might be too far fetched right now but in future...dare to dream?

Anonymous said...

If we consciously let robots do our daily chores then what about the conscience that we possess and get the kind of well-being feeling while doing our daily tasks. I feel exercising is not enough to keep ourselves fit. We need to find the satisfaction while doing our daily tasks manually rather than through a machine. However, in some conditions we may need help of robots to accomplish certain tasks

Anonymous said...

Well....people are still welcome to do their chores. No one is forcing them to use a robot instead. This is a solution for those who are short on time and are looking to better utilize their time, rather than spending them on household chores. "Satisfaction" is something that is individual specific. With regard to exercising, I feel that to stay fit one has to exercise. There is no other alternative and "household chores" doubling up as exercise is a lame excuse.

Anonymous said...

@ rocksta

I completely agree with you..