Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How About A Dino Pet?

Technology changes at a fast pace and each time you turn around there are new gadgets promising a better and easier life. In today’s fast moving world many of us cannot spare time to care for a pet, but would still like to have the companionship of a pet.. For such people a pet robot would be an ideal mate.
Pet robots with artificial intelligence may serve as a good substitute for those pet lovers who do not want a biological one. These pets are designed to recognize and reason, to show emotions and also to respond to certain stimuli in the same manner as live pets.

And if you are one of those who always look for the unique ones you could have a Dinosaur.

Yes, you read it right – Dinosaurs. A robotic Dinosaur.
Pleo: My Pet!!
Pleo is a type of pet robot, he looks like a Tyrannosaur (Not to worry as he is not carnivore).
Well if we were to venture to classify him in a way that a zoologist would, you would have something like this:

Kingdom : Robotae
Division : Robotechna
Class : Pleochida
Order : Pleotales
Family : Pleotaceae
Genus : Pleo
Let me not name the species. Will leave that to you. But if you ask me.. I would go with Tyran.
By Rakesh Kishore


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Well, the robot looks cool. It is Ugobe's pet dinosaur that attracted quite a handsome amount from Venture Capitalists. Imagination embodied!!