With all the buzz about Web 2.0, and the consumer taking over ultimate control of all content on the net; with the rise to iconic status of “my” space, “(h)e” bay, and “you” tube, and all the other offshoots of this phenomena jostling to grab a share of the pie (Facebook, Joost, Revver – see more posts later); with Second Life/ Virtual World becoming a fully traded parallel economy via Linden Dollars (see more posts on this later); with ads now being renamed avatarsement – the new consumer/ user generated media phenomenon is slowly but surely pervading every aspect of our lives.
But I think the ultimate representation of this phenomenon was to me a small news blurb that said that the famed British band Radiohead is letting fans decide what to pay for a new release online. "It's up to you," reads a message on the Web page where fans can pre-order the band's highly anticipated seventh album and pay whatever they choose, including nothing! How do they make money? By having a “deluxe” edition of the album “In Rainbows” that has some bells and whistles (read extra songs and some merchandize) added that they sell – and they sell it for a lot!!!
This REALLY puts the control in the user’s hand – I remember back in my youth being very impressed with the Ayn Rand play “The Night of January 16th” which had a dual possible ending – the audience was supposed to decide which way the play would end….that to me is one of the fore runners of User Generated Content – but to enable fans to decide pricing is really the ultimate in that direction. Some people would say its just cool/ innovative positioning – i.e., instead of saying – we are offering it for free – these folks have used a clever hook – “pay what you want” – but the fact remains, it’s a great sign of the times that such a stunt is even possible….Ralph Nader would be happy - More power to the Consumer!
Friday, November 30, 2007
User Generated Media – Taken To A New Frontier…
EmPower New Media
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Yes, companies are now trying to capitalize on the growing trend of using, managing and tracking social networks, blogs and other such Web 2.0 developments. This phenomenon of social networking is completely changing the dynamics in marketing. Interestingly enough, now CRM is hooking up with social networking in the B2B sector.
Some examples of this are Salesforce.com trying to introduce social networking technologies into its CRM suite and SugarCRM adding a social network analysis module. Since consumers now have a very strong voice online, companies have begun to realize that they have to react to a changing environment where the customer is in control of the communications and the messaging. Hence they are working towards integrating this paradigm shift - consumers being in charge of the transactions and messages, no longer the companies alone - into their strategies.
As Mike Betzer, vice president of CRM strategy at Oracle, told CRM Buyer, "Communicating a brand with an audience that participates in that communication is where the industry is headed.” Earlier we used to say that the customer is always right, now with the social networking revolution, it is turning out that the customer also has all the might!
I think the existing social networking sites are restrictive in some sense. They allow users to behave in a particular way, which is not exaactly the same how he or she wants to build his or her own Social networking world.Now a days thousands of Social networking sites are being launched but the future lies in niche social newtorking where like minded people will collaborate and share ideas.
# User-generated media remains primarily national in scope with 98.1%, or $20.0 million, of all advertising spending coming from the broader market in 2005
# Total spending on user-generated online media is forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of 106.1% from 2005 to 2010, reaching $757.0 million in 2010
# Auto was the second largest marketing category, generating $3.9 million in 2005, as car manufacturers utilized user-generated media to market their higher-end models to the "influential" demographic
# The media industry spent $3.2 million to advertise in user-generated media in 2005, as the industry tried to capitalize on its advanced knowledge of the consumer shift away from traditional media
BBC is making user-generated content a big part of its site overhaul, and YouTube's recently announced Director program is further incentivizing user-generated video as a viral marketing strategy by allowing uploaded videos to be branded with a logo and the ability to attach a URL to each video as well.
What are the real implications of user-generated media for publishers, advertisers, ad networks, and merchants?
As surely as the birth of jazz music was shunned by many classically trained musicians the rise of user-generated media has gained the scorn of many professional content producers.But when you're using pretty much the same tools as any professional producers in a medium that reaches the world as easily as any one the differing qualities of user-publishers should not be discounted too quickly.
User-generated media from individuals and institutions is more than just a fad - it's the major publishing trend of our times that has informed and modified how we approach professional publishing forever.
At the end of the Spanish-American War in 1898 much of the surplus war material of the U.S. expeditionary force in Cuba was shipped back to the mainland via New Orleans, then the hub of U.S. shipping for the Caribbean.
Amongst the goods rolling off the cargo ships were surplus band instruments from the army's now-demobilized musicians.
All of a sudden New Orleans was awash in high-quality trumpets, clarinets and tubas that most anybody could afford - including local musicians entertaining visitors to the more upscale brothels in the Crescent City.
Tossed into this musical mix was the unique intertwining of cultures that fueled New Orleans and that flowed up and down the Mississippi River on trains, riverboats and barges. Presto - jazz was born.
As much as jazz is revered today as both popular music and a high art form it was dismissed as rather junky and raunchy stuff at its inception.
Critics were sure that it would never have the lucid intelligence and quality of classical music created by highly trained musicians in grand concert halls.
Yet by the 1920s jazz and other forms of popular music had begun to overwhelm classical music as the phonograph made it easy for audiences to choose and experience the music that interested them the most where it suited them best.
It wasn't that the qualities of classical music were no longer appreciated; no, it was just that those qualities had become rather limited in their appeal and application in comparison to surging popular forms of music.
hi all..in today's burgeoning market for user-generated media the lessons from the birth of jazz as an art form, come into clear focus yet again at an accelerated pace.
The highly affordable tools of the publishing trade found on the Web today have allowed self-proclaimed publishers to create their own content in ways that publishers could never dream of ten years ago, while the global Web allows it to flow to audiences as effortlessly as a river heading for its delta.
In the face of this phenomenon many professional journalists and publishers frown at the quality of user-generated media much in the same way that the classically-trained "longhairs" dismissed the popular appeal of jazz.
Yet as much as Washington Post journalists may spout off about webloggers attacking their work and Wikipedia gets slammed for lax editorial practices these spats miss the real point of what is quality content in user-generated media.
The quality of user-generated media is not in trying to replicate traditional media outlets but in its ability to create new forms of quality that can be appreciated by audiences both large and small.
Here are a few points to bear in mind about the emerging qualities of user-generated content that can complement and amplify those of traditional publishing sources:
* A few sour notes won't ruin a great song.
The quality flap surrounding Wikipedia's poor management of some user-generated entries in their online encyclopedia neglects the fact that the broad base of this highly respected source is both well-edited and well-written. The prestigious international journal Nature recently compared entries in Wikipedia to the Encyclopedia Britannica and found user-generated content in Wikipedia to be of equivalent quality.
The peer review processes of a user-generated source are not flawless but neither are professional sources. Don't mistake the flaws of a young craft with permanent disabilities that cannot be outgrown.
The fundamental quality of many user-generated media sources is far higher than most publishers are willing to admit.
* Sometimes a different tune is not a bad tune.
As noted on our ContentBlogger weblog a service such as del.icio.us that gathers input from user-publishers may be creating content forms far more abstract and raw than traditional editorial processes would ever allow - and that's not a bad thing.
User-generated media is creating new patterns and rhythms in content aggregation and composition that capture the pulse of human intellect in ways that are oftentimes fundamentally different than today's professional publishing methods.
The differences in user-generated media should not be discarded but embraced as dynamic new experiments that will sprout oftentimes into vibrant compositions that will find immortal value as surely as Charlie Parker's riffs are still unforgettable.
* The merging of two great forms will create even more value.
The cultural value of jazz was codified by George Gershwin's melding of jazz themes with classical forms in the 1924 composition Rhapsody in Blue. Jazz has informed classical music ever since, and vice versa. There will always be an audience and a strong need for traditional professional publishing and journalism, but it need not try to find its value in isolation from user-generated media.
Professional publishing will evolve as surely as classical music had to evolve and respond to the needs and themes of modern audiences who became used to new norms for musical composition. That evolution may leave many journalists and publishers in roles more like the newcomers than their old roles, or it may mean much more specialized roles within the realm of traditional publishing.
Regardless of which path they choose the joining of these two publishing schools will create far more value than trying to insist on separate purity for its own sake.
This is the road that major portal providers such as Google, Yahoo and AOL have been traveling for some time and that more progressive business-oriented publishers such as ALM have been pursuing as well.
Aggressive pioneers in melding these two forms will be rewarded richly.
Publishing is already taking the same shape as the musical world, with a handful of audiences appreciating ever more rarified classic publishers and journalists while popular user-generated media from individuals and institutions captures both the human heart and mind more effectively for many mass and focused audiences.
The qualities of each will continue to be appreciated in parallel with one another, to inform one another and even combine with one another when harmonious opportunities arise. Regardless of its evolving forms user-generated media has become and will remain the dominant source of electronic content as long as the publishing playing field remains as level as it does today.
"Why is news media yet unable to effectively understand how to best integrate user-generated content into their key online and offline publications?"
While deals such as the recently announced AP/Technorati alliance are making blogs more prominent in mainstream news outlets when they link to their content, for the most part news organizations are pretty timid in supporting true user-generated media under their editorial umbrellas.
Greg catalogs many of the recent failures as well as the bright spot of community-driven weblogs developed by the Austin Statesman-American, content that has its own featured spot on their online home page.
But even here their weblog content is off to the side: it's not "editorial" content from a news organization's perspective. This gap is accentuated in Greg's piece by Patrick Williams, managing editor of the Dallas Observer, who wrestles with journalists who put out their leftovers in personal blogs and the wealth of self-proclaimed opinion-makers who fail to put out any new facts in their weblogs.
user-generated media confuses publishers.
User-generated media oftentimes is messy, illiterate, non-journalistic and crass - yet oftentimes it's true and compelling in ways that journalists never dare to be.
What is then quality journalism in a weblog-driven world? The stuff that doesn't go away, the stuff that continues to get linked to by people in the know again and again. Weblogs are truth in motion, content that's willing to wait and to work to find an audience for its truth to develop or to have it flushed out in a flash as the occasion dictates.
So you do get a lot of junk in weblogs, but the junk trickles away from meaningful contexts while the true and truly entertaining content has a way of finding an audience
all on its own.
Traditional journalism is based on the concept that you have only one chance to print the truth correctly for mass-produced profits and immortality.
Weblogs offer the truth the opportunity to bump around for a while, finding its own footing like a baby stumbling through its first stroll across a room with helping hands at the ready. This type of truth oftentimes fails to draw mass advertising for its real-time state, but that's okay: it will be real-time whenever its focused audience is ready for it.
Most newspapers will fail to embrace weblogs and other forms of user-generated media because of its inherent lack of appeal for mass advertisers - and in the process turn loose a world of news content to be contextualized elsewhere for very targeted online advertisers who are willing to wait for the content that its audience desires to come along.
The sooner that news organizations work to contextualize a truth whose time has come regardless of its source the sooner that they will be on the road to a hybridized model that will sustain their long-term financial health.I'm not optimistic for this happening any time soon, but you never know.
User Generated Content or “UGC” exploded on the scene along with the proliferation of new tools and sites that greatly facilitated collaboration, publication, and distribution by and among individuals. Coupled with widespread adoption and use of social networking sites, the year culminated with the acquisition of YouTube by Google for 1.6 billion dollars. With these new developments come new challenges.
dont get burned by user generated media guyz
Whether it's an ad created by a customer and posted on YouTube, lavish praise (or a blistering review) on a blog, comments posted to a consumer portal or something else, user-generated media (sometimes called consumer-generated media or consumer-generated content) is on the rise as a key force in marketing. "Markets are conversations," as the Cluetrain Manifesto famously asserted, and users are increasingly raising their voices within those conversations.
The intrinsic pitfalls of a UGM campaign are large and many, but so are the potential benefits.
If you're a marketer or advertiser thinking about how your brand can engage with UGM, read this article to get a handle on best practices and also to help prevent an unwary -- and expensive -- pratfall into a UGM nightmare.
The key finding: don't be coy. The more you trust your customer base, the more likely you are to find success with UGM.
Remember: in Business 2.0's recent list of 50 people who matter now, the person who topped this list was the user who creates media.
"Marketers have never had an opportunity to 'listen-in' and to track the raw conversations of consumers," suggests Toby Bloomberg, of Bloomberg Marketing, a strategic marketing and social media consultancy. "That alone makes UGM interesting. Add to the mix the viral aspect of influencers, and the bloggers' connections to the brand and to their readers."
Makeupalley.com is one of many sites where that raw conversation takes place: it pulls together user-generated information about beauty products to provide a non-partisan information resource that other users can trust.
Bloomberg says marketers are quick to recognize that by means of UGM campaigns, they "can tap into trends, service issues, competitive intelligence. It's one more piece of information that can be added to the decision-making process."
Virginia Miracle, director of word of mouth with Brains on Fire, a corporate identity consultancy, points out that "UGM is content that today's media consumers are seeking out in record numbers and enjoying. And, if you have truly inspired one of your fans to salute you, it's also free-- what's not to like?"
"UGM is definitely the fad d'jour," says Drew Neisser, president and CEO of Renegade Marketing Group, a brand consultancy. "And why not? It's relatively inexpensive; it's potentially viral, and consumers continue to respond. That said, with so many advertisers asking the consumer to help them create ads, the novelty will wear off very quickly. Success will continue to depend on finding innovative ways to involve the consumer and reward them for their participation."
What does it mean to "get burnt" by a UGM campaign? Various experts define it as anything from a general lack of enthusiasm to consumers publicly attacking your brand.
Generally speaking, you've been burned if the campaign:
* produces unflattering buzz
* turns out to be a net negative in terms of consumer attention (probably not the case for Chevy Tahoe)
* proves less effective than a traditional alternative might have been
if you're going into a UGM campaign, expect to take some lumps from your consumers as well as praise. Don't try to stifle negative voices.
Not all negative UGM is short term. But how a company handles negative UGM is important.
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